Watch the Talks
The symposium On Human Origins and the Future of Humanity took place on April 18/19 in the 50th year of the discovery of Lucy by Prof. Donald Johanson who was one of a number of keynote speakers.
Opening Day 1
Dr. Lorie Karnath, Prof. Bengt Norden, Prof. Erik Renstrom
Prof. Ben L. Feringa
TALK TITLE: Exploring Molecular Signatures of Life
Prof. Morten Meldal
TALK TITLE: Molecular Click Adventures – A Leap from the Shoulders of Giants
Opening Day 2:
Dr. Lorie Karnath, Prof. Per Alm
Panel discussion 3:
Dr. Lorie Karnath, Prof. Bengt Norden, Dr. Tim Hunt, Prof. Robert Langer, Prof. Emmanuelle Charpentier
Prof. Omar M. Yaghi
TALK TITLE: Molecular Precision for Betterment of Humanity
Prof. Donald C. Johanson
TALK TITLE: Our Place in the Future: Lessons from a 3-million-year-old ancestor
Panel discussion 1:
Dr. Lorie Karnath, Prof. Bengt Norden, Prof. Donald Johanson, Prof. Jack Szostak, Prof. Ben Feringa
Panel discussion 2:
Dr. Lorie Karnath, Prof. Bengt Norden, Prof. Jean-Marie Lehn, Prof. Morten Meldal, Prof. Frances Arnold
Dr. Tim Hunt
TALK TITLE: Pain and suffering: the agony of not knowing
Prof. Christer Fuglesang
TALK TITLE: Spaceflight: past, current and future
Prof. Dr. J. Craig Venter
TALK TITLE: Presymptomatic screening of apparently healthy individuals as an approach to human longevity
Prof. Dr. Jack W. Szostak
TALK TITLE: The Origin of Life: Not as Hard as it Looks?
Prof. Jean-Marie Lehn
TALK TITLE: Steps toward Complex Matter: Chemistry !
Prof. Robert S. Langer
TALK TITLE: Future Vaccines and therapeutics ; approaches to deliver mRNA and other macromolecules
Prof. Katherine Richardson
TALK TITLE: Planetary Boundaries: A tool to guide management of Human-Earth interactions
Panel discussion 4:
Dr. Lorie Karnath, Prof. Bengt Norden, Prof. Katherine Richardson, Prof. Omar Yaghi, Dr. Craig Venter
Physiographic Society organizing committee;
Per Alm, Roland von Bothmer, Charlotte Erlanson-Albertsson, Torbjörn Frejd, Sven Lidin, Sara Snogerup Linse, Bengt Nordén (sammankallande)